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Funko Pop Beatles Complete Collection

(Item code 8003261759700) | Original Item

Character: John Lennon 27

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Travel back to the 1960s and step into the world of the musical revolution with the Funko Pop Beatles set, featuring the iconic members of the band: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, and the Beatles' antagonist, the Blue Meanie!

John Lennon: John Lennon, known for his musical talent and activism, is recreated in this Funko Pop figure with all the details that make him recognizable, including his round glasses and distinctive look.

Paul McCartney: Paul McCartney, with his charisma and vocal talent, is accurately represented in this Funko Pop figure, capturing his iconic look and laid-back attitude.

George Harrison: George Harrison, the virtuoso guitarist of the band, is portrayed in this Funko Pop figure with his distinctive style.

Ringo Starr: Ringo Starr, the legendary drummer, is recreated in this Funko Pop figure wearing his tie and animated expression.

Blue Meanie: The Blue Meanie, one of the antagonists from the Beatles' animated film 'Yellow Submarine,' is depicted with its distinctive appearance and a touch of mischief.

This set is a treasure for Beatles fans and those who appreciate the band's lasting influence on music and culture. Each figure is perfect for display on your shelf, work desk, or anywhere you want to celebrate the Beatles' legacy and the psychedelic atmosphere of the era.

Secure your complete Funko Pop Beatles set at Heroes Geek and let John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, and the Blue Meanie add a touch of nostalgia and timeless music to your collection. With these figures by your side, you'll be ready to embark on a magical journey through the universe of the Beatles and the 'Yellow Submarine'!

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