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Funko Pop Bojack Horseman Collectibles

(Item code 8003263824084) | Original Item

Character: Bojack Horseman 228

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Step into the world of entertainment with the Collectible BoJack Horseman Funko Pop, paying tribute to the titular character of the animated series 'BoJack Horseman.'

BoJack Horseman is a unique and complex creation, a former television star trying to find meaning in his life after fame. In this Funko Pop figure, BoJack is recreated with striking details, displaying his distinctive appearance, including his anthropomorphic horse body and melancholic expression.

This figure is a true treasure for fans of the 'BoJack Horseman' series and for those who appreciate the intelligent narrative and deep themes explored in the show. It's perfect for display on your shelf, work desk, or anywhere you want to celebrate the emotional and comedic journey of this complex character.

Secure your Collectible BoJack Horseman Funko Pop at Heroes Geek and let BoJack become a part of your collection. With BoJack Horseman by your side, you'll be ready to dive into the world of comedy, satire, and reflection provided by this groundbreaking series.

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